
Shop fitting

Consulting service for exhibition space setup

Design and/or coordination of manpower in the realisation of shops in the 'turnkey' formula.

  • structures
  • coverings
  • display
  • finishes

Pop-Up Store

Exhibition structures and temporary installations

Rental of equipped containers for temporary shops with high-quality finishes

Service Area 

Exhibition, logistical, commercial structure

A 6766 square metre structure dedicated to logistics, storage, and operations with operational areas for offices and laboratories, accessible by vehicles on three levels. Professional finishes and equipment installations.

Benefit Society

Ariete evolves and looks to the future

Aware that economic, social, and environmental sustainability is a global goal to pursue not only as individuals but also involving businesses, Ariete has chosen to adopt the legal form of a Benefit Society (SB), with the consequent integration of its corporate purpose, which, in addition to the traditional profit goals, now also includes the pursuit of common benefit purposes.

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